Bertrand WID Priorities, Goals, and Possible Actions
1. Water quantity: water availability for agricultural uses
Goal: Farmers in the Bertrand WID have secure (legal) access to sufficient water for agricultural uses.
(2017) Completed the pilot Flow Augmentation Project.
(2018) Sought approval of permanent water right for augmentation projects.
(2019) Surface to groundwater transfers in the WID area - complete 3 more transfers as part of Foster Task Force Pilot.
Goal: Agricultural activities in the Bertrand WID do not cause water quality standards to be exceeded in the surface water and groundwater bodies within the WID area.
(2019) Continue with the ongoing water quality monitoring & response program.
(2019) Engage BC landowners and agencies in water quality concerns
Goal: Drainage infrastructure and ditches in the Bertrand WID are actively and effectively maintained.
(2019) Pursue programmatic 5-year drainage permit(s) with assistance from the Whatcom Conservation District
(2019) Complete a fish friendly tidegate on Duffner Ditch
(2019) Consider ditch mowing services by the WID
Goal: Agricultural lands in the Bertrand WID are protected from flooding at critical times in the growing season.
(2019): Propose River projects to be funded under the FLIP process
5. Communication, Outreach, and Education
Goal (internal): WID members are aware of and understand the priority issues and participate actively in WID planning & implementation of priority actions.
Goal (external): Nonagricultural residents and other stakeholders outside the WID are aware of, understand and support the Bertrand WID’s priority actions
(2015) Redesigned website @
(2017 - present) Use AWB and Family Farmers newsletters to communicate current projects
(2017 - present) Sponsor WCD Speaker Series and other communication efforts
6. Water flow processes; Habitats & species
Goal : The Bertrand WID’s plans and actions help to protect and enhance water flow processes and fish and wildlife habitats in the Bertrand and lower Fishtrap watersheds
(2019) Identify and replace priority fish blocking culverts
(2019) Continued work on Flow Augmentation Project
7. Agricultural protection (Protecting the agricultural industry)
Goal: Important agricultural land in the WID is protected from conversion through appropriate zoning and/or voluntary agricultural conservation easements